Friday, November 6, 2015

Riley's OOTD: Bee Sassy

     I have been searching everywhere and I'm not exaggerating, everywhere for the perfect hair bow. I just didn't like any that I have ever saw. They were either too small or they looked horrible. I came across Bee & Binx one day on Facebook and it was instant love! They were exactly what I have been searching endlessly for. I quickly ordered her first Bee & Binx bow. I couldn't wait until I received it in the mail. I have never ordered a hair bow online before, and I was a little worried it would come in smashed. To my surprise, it was not smashed at all! In fact, it was in perfect shape. The ladies at Bee & Binx packaged it to perfection so that it would not be messed up! I quickly put it on my daughter and fell in love instantly. I love the fact that these bows are double layered. I have never seen anything like it before. They are the perfect hair bow for any outfit! The owners, Chelsea and Mandi, are two of the sweetest ladies you will ever meet. They work all day at their jobs, and go home to create the perfect hair bows for your little one. If you send them photos of your little one's outfit, they will work their hardest to find the perfect color ribbon to match her outfit! I could just go on and on bragging on this wonderful hair bow boutique!

     If you haven't heard of Sew Sassy Boutique then you are truly missing out on the perfect additions to your little girl's outfit! My daughter is wearing their black icing top and plum icing bottoms. These ruffled outfit pieces are the perfect touch! I love layering her dresses by putting an icing top under her dress and icing bottoms under! And may I had how amazing they look with Matilda Jane, SweetHoney, and other boutique brands. Seriously, its like they were made together by the same company that's how well they match. I am completely obsessed with their icings! Every Thursday night at 7:30c, Sew Sassy releases new products. They do have a few items on their site now, but their most popular are the icings that release on Thursday nights. Each Thursday night is a different release, and they switch out different products such as their famous Icing bottoms, Icing tops, and Harper dresses. Like other famous boutique brands, when these items release on Thursday night at 7:30c you want to be at your computer ready to cart. They are so popular that they sell out in under  2 minutes. Their pieces are made with the softest material. Believe me, your little one will beg you to wear themjust ask fellow Sew Sassy lovers! Their daughters will beg them to wear their icing bottoms everywhere they go. The owners of Sew Sassy Boutique, Anna, Kelsie, and Khristie, are the hardest working boutique owners I have ever came across. They will stay up all night on Thursdays until Friday mornings working on orders making sure they go out within the next day or two. They are amazing at what they do! Click Here to be added to the Sew Sassy Facebook Group!

Headband and Hair Bow- Bee & Binx
Scarf- Groopdealz
Icing top- Sew Sassy
Icing bottom- Sew Sassy
Shoes- Target

Family Fall Pictures 2015

       Y'all, I'm completely obsessed with how amazing our fall family pictures came out with Erika Mason Photography! She is truly talented! I first saw her work a while back and completely fell in love! I knew from that moment I wanted her to be our family photographer. I was completely thrilled when she told us she was able to fit us in her busy schedule. We planned to have our pictures taken two weeks ago, but it was cloudy and humid. We decided to cancel and I am so glad we did! We rescheduled for last week, and the weather was perfect. She knew just how to position us so that the sun can shine through giving us a perfect background. She was so patient with our little Riley who did not want to smile. I can not wait to have many more sessions with Erika in the future! Her work will take your breath away!
 Sweater- Old Navy
 Jeans- American Eagle

 Dress- Groopdealz
 Scarf- Wetseal (last year)

 Bow & Headband- Bee & Binx
 Dress- Carter's
 Vest- Old Navy
 Icings(Ruffle bottom leggings)- Sew Sassy

Dry Brushing Your Way to Glowing Skin


    I've recently heard about dry body brushing through Pinterest (you know that website all us women are addicted too)! I thought to myself, how can brushing my skin really make such a big difference and make it glow? I began researching the different benefits and how it actually works. The more I read the more I wanted to give it a try. So I did, and I can't even begin to describe how different I feel. The first benefit of dry skin brushing (and probably my favorite) is it could possibly reduce the appearance of cellulite. Dry skin brushing increases circulation to the skin that in return would reduce the appearance of cellulite. People spend hundreds and thousands of dollars to remove cellulite. This process is much cheaper and includes health benefits as well. Dry brushing also helps to get rid of nasty skin cells that are sitting on top of your skin revealing brighter, more beautiful skin. Dry body brushing also helps blood circulation and cleaning your lymphatic system allowing your body to detox in a healthy, natural way.
     Convinced yet? I'm pretty sure your feeling the same way I was. Now your thinking, what do I do? It's very easy! I prefer dry brushing in the morning because it rejuvenates me and helps me to feel better throughout the day. To dry brush, your skin must be completely dry. Start at the feet and move upward in long strokes towards the heart. Keep brushing upward until you reach your heart. For your arms, you will start at the hands and work your way to the heart as well. I'm a visual learner and no matter how many times I read the directions, I needed to watch a video to understand. Luckily, YouTube has a video for everything! Click here for the video
     I hope you enjoy the wonderful benefits of dry body brushing just like I have!